The one-particle inclusive cross section in deeply inelastic lepton-nu
cleon scattering, expressed in terms of parton densities and fragmenta
tion functions being differential in the invariant mass of the observe
d hadron and of the incoming nucleon, diverges if this invariant mass
vanishes. This divergence can be traced back to the kinematical config
uration where the parent parton of the observed hadron is emitted coll
inearly from the incoming parton of the QCD subprocess. By using the c
oncept of ''fracture functions'', which has recently been introduced b
y Trentadue and Veneziano, it is possible to absorb this divergence in
these new distribution functions as long as the observed hadron is no
t soft. This procedure allows the determination of a finite one-partic
le inclusive cross section in next-to-leading order QCD perturbation t
heory. We give details of the calculation and the explicit form of the
bare fracture functions in terms of the renormalized ones.