Activation of the complement cascade occurs in most cases of acute pos
tstreptococcal glomerulonephritis (APSGN) and results in the formation
of the terminal complement complexes (TCC). To examine the possible r
ole of TCC in the pathogenesis of glomerular injury in APSGN, we studi
ed 30 patients with the clinical diagnosis of APSGN. All patients had
an elevated plasma SC5b-9 concentration at the onset of clinical nephr
itis. Serial plasma concentrations showed an inverse linear relationsh
ip with time after onset of clinical disease (r = -0.59, P = 0.0008),
while plasma C3 concentrations showed a positive linear relationship (
r = 0.78, P = 0.0001). Renal biopsies of 5 patients demonstrated co-lo
calization of C5b-9, S-protein, and C3 deposition in a glomerular capi
llary loop and mesangial distribution. Urinary excretion of TCC in the
acute phase of APSGN was not elevated and was not a useful marker of
disease activity. These data suggest that in APSGN with terminal compl
ement pathway activation the local generation of TCC may contribute to
the pathogenesis of the disease.