Porous silicon (PS) layers capped by conductive polymers (polyaniline
(PANI), and polypyrrole (PPY)) demonstrate enhanced photoluminescence
(PL) properties with respect to that of bare PS layers. PL measurement
s in the temperature range from 4 to 300 K, show that the maximum lumi
nescence yield is achieved at 100-150 K, whereas it is strongly quench
ed outside this temperature interval. As regards to the spectral line
features of PS-polymer composites, they are similar to those of PS fil
ms. The PL lines are asymmetrical and may be decomposed into two Gauss
ian peaks centred at 1.6 and 1.75 eV. The position of the peaks is not
changed with temperature. We assume that the observed PL enhancement
is due to interaction of surface silicon atoms with the constituents o
f the PANI matrix.