The tyrosine kinase c-src associates with growth factor receptors, foc
al contacts and cytoskeletal proteins and is involved in signaling eve
nts. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of src in the r
egulation of mesangial cell (MC) proliferation and differentiation in
three-dimensional (3D) culture in collagen gels. Using retroviral gene
transfer we have overexpressed wild-type c-src, a kinase-negative c-s
rc mutant (c-src295) and transforming v-src in MC. The MC differentiat
ion in 3D culture was characterized by the formation oi a nonprolifera
ting multicellular network in control cells and in cells expressing wi
ld-type c-src. Immunoblotting demonstrated a rapid down-regulation of
the alpha-smooth muscle actin expression. The kinase-negative MC (c-sr
c295) failed to differentiate, maintained a significant proliferative
rate, and the alpha-smooth muscle actin expression remained stable dur
ing 3D culture. MC transformed with v-src showed a high level of tyros
ine phosphorylation and proliferation in 3D culture. Analysis of prote
ins involved in cell cycle regulation demonstrated dephosphorylation o
f the retinoblastoma protein (Rb) during 3D culture in control and c-s
rc transfected cells. Expression of v-src resulted in sustained Rb pho
sphorylation. Zymographic analysis of plasminogen activator (u-PA) rev
ealed an inhibition of u-PA secretion in MC transfected with c-src295.
These results indicate that c-src exerts regulatory effects on MC pro
liferation, cytoskeletal organization, matrix proteases and differenti
ation. Targeted manipulation of the c-src kinase may be useful in modu
lating MIC behavior in vivo.