The population biology of the loliginid squid Loligo forbesi is descri
bed from monthly samples taken from the Scottish fishery (1990-1992).
Length-frequency distributions are complex, particularly in males, wit
h several size modes present in each month. Growth rates appear to be
variable, with no single equation describing the growth of all putativ
e microcohorts. Length-weight relationships vary in relation to maturi
ty stage, and a decrease in size-adjusted mantle weight in later matur
ity stages indicates the diversion of resources from somatic to reprod
uctive growth. The sex ratio among recruits is biased towards males bu
t becomes increasingly biased towards females as the animals mature, T
here is an extended breeding season, from January to May with a peak i
n February-March, and two pulses of recruitment, in April and in July-
September. Results are broadly consistent with the previously establis
hed view of this species as having a 1 year life-cycle. There is limit
ed evidence for the existence of a separate offshore population, breed
ing earlier than the main coastal population and with wide interannual
fluctuations in abundance. However, improved information on distribut
ion is required to test this hypothesis.