The interest in emulsion polymerization is strong because it offers th
e possibility of producing products with special properties not easily
produced by other types of polymerization processes. Because the main
reaction medium is water, not an organic solvent, its importance is s
teadily increasing with efforts to design environmentally benign proce
sses. The control of emulsion polymerization is a challenging problem
due to major limitations encountered in its modeling and on-line monit
oring. Although emulsion polymerization has been studied and used for
several decades, progress has been slow. Industrial practice relies he
avily on experience white several controversial issues are stilt being
studied. The literature related to this issue is vast and sometimes c
ontradictory, and most deals with experimental investigation of specif
ic emulsion polymerization systems to improve the process understandin
g and develop a process model. However, universally accepted conclusio
ns are scarce. This article reviews the major issues related to contro
l of emulsion polymerization. The latest contributions in process unde
rstanding, mathematical modeling, sensor technology, and process contr
ol techniques for emulsion polymerization are discussed. Emphasis is o
n contributions, which are important in resolving the control of emuls
ion polymerization processes.