This paper reviews the extensive research examining developmental patt
erns in normal fear. Areas of focus include age, gender, and socioecon
omic status differences in fear content, prevalence, and intensity. Th
e structure and stability/duration of normal fears are also discussed.
Finally, the crosscultural research in this area is reviewed. Cross-s
ectional and longitudinal studies indicate that fear decreases in prev
alence and intensity with age. There are also major changes in the con
tent of normal fear over the course of development. Such changes are c
haracterised by a transition from infant fears which are related to im
mediate, concrete, and prepotent stimuli, and which are largely noncog
nitive, to fears of late childhood and adolescence which are related t
o anticipatory, abstract, and more global stimuli and events. Fears of
late childhood and adolescence are also more cognitive. One of the pr
ominent themes during these years is social evaluation. It is notewort
hy that fears have been demonstrated to be largely transitory in natur
e, decreasing significantly in number and intensity over time and with
maturation. Future research into normal fear should more closely exam
ine the validity of current assessment techniques. There is also a nee
d for research into the developmental correlates of fear, including in
dividual differences and affective environmental experiences. In parti
cular, research examining the correlates of normal fear within a devel
opmental psychopathology framework is recommended.