To establish guidelines for medication reduction during inpatient tele
metry, the records of 18 children and young adults with refractory par
tial seizures undergoing carbamazepine (CBZ) reductions during continu
ous video/EEG telemetry were reviewed. Six patients were receiving CBZ
monotherapy, and 12 patients were treated with an additional antiepil
eptic drug (AED) maintained at baseline dosage during CBZ taper. Despi
te relatively rapid mean reductions in dosage of 44% by day 2 of taper
, no patients experienced frequent repetitive seizures or status epile
pticus (SE). Seizure rate during the entire CBZ reduction period corre
lated significantly with rate of drug reduction. Linear regression ana
lysis showed drug reduction rate to be a good predictor of seizure rat
e. Fourteen patients experienced at least three seizures during CBZ ta
per. On the average, the third seizure occurred on day 5 of taper at a
percentage of dose reduction of 79%. In 8 patients, CBZ concentration
s were measured both before taper and less than or equal to 24 h after
the third seizure. For these patients, seizure rate also correlated s
ignificantly with reduction in CBZ level. We conclude that manipulatio
n of CBZ dose reduction rate is important in maximizing seizure freque
ncy during telemetry and, in our patients, a relatively rapid rate of
dose reduction was safe and effective in promoting seizure recordings.