We show that the P-u(omega) proportional to omega(-7/3) shear velocity
power spectrum gives rise to a P-theta(omega) proportional to omega(-
4/3) power spectrum for a passively advected scalar, as measured in ex
periment [K. Sreenivasan, Proc. R. Soc. A 434 (1991) 165]. Applying ou
r argument to high Rayleigh number Rayleigh-Benard flow, we can accoun
t for the measured scaling exponents equally well as the Bolgiano-Obuk
hov theory (BO59). Yet, of the two explanations, only the shear approa
ch might be able to explain why no classical scaling range is seen in
between the shear (or BO59) range and the viscous subrange of the expe
rimental temperature spectrum [I. Procaccia et al., Phys. Rev. A 44 (1
991) 8091].