Ecological observations were made in the village Mamla and the area ar
ound it in Beed district to (i) gather evidence on ecological support
system for natural harbourage of rodent species in domestic, peridomes
tic and feral situations, and (ii) enumerate ecological factors and si
tuations which may have triggered the 1994 outbreak. Prior to the Maha
rashtra earthquake of 1993, the ecosystem of Mamla maintained equilibr
ium densities of domestic rodent (Rattus rattus) and their fleas (Xeno
psylla cheopis), This prevented fulminating epizootics among domestic
rats, However, the impact of the September 1993 earthquake in Maharash
tra introduced major changes in human ecology at Mamla village which g
enerated unlimited energy inputs (such as foodgrains) for domestic rod
ents, As a result, there was a gradual, but persistent, growth of R, r
attus population in the subsequent 8-10 months quiescent period, In Au
gust 1994, the R. rattus population overshot its equilibrium density l
evel, which eventually led to a flea-mediated epizootic in rats and an
outbreak of a cryptozootic, possibly plague, infection in humans in M