In this study we examined how mothers' and fathers' parenting behavior
during parent-child interaction related to children's ability to succ
essfully interact with peers. Children's ability to engage in coordina
ted interaction, and their negativity and positivity towards peers wer
e examined. Observational data were collected on 56 families in both p
arent-child and peer interaction settings. Results suggested that fath
er's emotional volatility was related to children's tendency to play a
t a low level of engagement with their best friends (e.g. engage in pa
rallel play or monologue). Both mother's and father's affective commun
ication were related to children's tendency to play at a higher level
of engagement, such as through establishing common ground activities,
exchanging information, and self-disclosing personal information or fe
elings. Parental intrusiveness, low engagement and use of derisive hum
or was also related to children's negativity during peer interaction.
Results support the hypothesis that both fathers and mothers provide a
context for children's development of the ability to engage in and ma
intain interpersonal interaction, and mothers' parenting may influence
the amount of positive affect children express during dyadic play.