This study was conducted to examine systematically the endocrine funct
ion in 10 patients diagnosed to have renal amyloidosis. Basal and dyna
mic endocrine tests (GnRh, TRH, and ACTH stimulation tests as well as
modified glucose tolerance test) were performed in all patients. Eight
patients had advanced renal disease (creatinine clearance < 10 mL/min
). Hypofunction of the thyroid gland was present in 5 out of those 8 p
atients, and thyroid biopsy confirmed amyloid deposition. Of those 5 p
atients, pituitary and adrenal defects were present in 2. In conclusio
n, endocrine abnormalities were evident at a later stage of renal amyl
oidosis. Hypothyroidism was present in all patients who manifested end
ocrine defects and should be considered as an early sign of endocrine
involvement with the disease.