There few pathological abnormalities in nerves from animals with diabe
tes. Reported changes consist of mild distal axonal atrophy, axoglial
disjunction and minimal segmental demyelination and remyelination. The
se changes are seen in distal nerves but no studies of radicular patho
logy in diabetic animals have been reported. We therefore studied peri
pheral nerve and radicular pathology in rats with longstanding, severe
, chemically-induced diabetes. We found marked interstitial edema and
severe changes of myelin in the roots of diabetic rats, particularly i
n the dorsal root. The earliest changes consist of myelin splitting, o
ccurring at the intraperiod line. This progresses to myelin ballooning
, accompanied by both tubulovescicular myelin degeneration and macroph
age stripping, all of which tend to predominate in large myelinated fi
bers. There is minimal axonal degeneration. Despite these severe chang
es in nerve roots, the distal peripheral nerves show no discernible ed
ema and only minimal myelin splitting without demyelination or axonal
degeneration. The radicular changes are almost identical to those seen
in much older nondiabetic animals. This suggests that they may repres
ent an acceleration of the normal aging process, perhaps related to in
creased glycation of myelin proteins induced by accumulation of glucos
e rich interstitial endoneurial edema.