Recently there has been a surge of new interest in three-dimensional w
ake patterns. In the present work, we have devised a method to control
the spanwise end conditions and wake patterns using ''end suction'',
which is both continuously-variable and admits transient control. Clas
sical steady-state patterns, such as parallel or oblique shedding or t
he ''chevron'' patterns are simply induced. The wake, at a given Reyno
lds number, is receptive to a continuous range of oblique shedding ang
les (theta), rather than to discrete angles, and there is excellent ag
reement with the ''cos theta'' formula for oblique-shedding frequencie
s. We show that the laminar shedding regime exists up to Reynolds numb
ers (Re) of 205, and that the immense disparity among reported critica
l Re for wake transition (Re = 140 - 190) can be explained in terms of
spanwise end contamination. Our transient experiments have resulted i
n the discovery of new phenomena such as ''phase shocks'' and ''phase
expansions'', which can be explained in terms of a simple model assumi
ng constant normal wavelength of the wake pattern. Peter Monkewitz (La
usanne) also predicts such transient phenomena from a Guinzburg-Landau
model for the wake.