The extracellular matrix (ECM) is actively involved in the growth and
maintenance of normal and neoplastic mammalian cells. It has been sugg
ested that the growth-promoting factors sequestered within the matrix
exclusively regulate the observed phenomena. We postulate, however, th
at ECM components alone, when derived from normal human tissues, and d
evoid of major growth factors, can modulate the growth of human tumor
cells in vivo. In this submission we provide evidence that Amgel, an E
CM created by us from nontumorigenic human placental tissues, can enha
nce or retard human cell growth in vivo, depending upon type, when pla
ced in the subcutaneous tissue of athymic mice. Further, we provide ev
idence that these results differ from those obtained utilizing a tumor
-derived ECM. Our findings suggest that specific tumor cell-matrix int
eractions are responsible for the observed results. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first report of a normal, human tissue-derived
ECM both promoting and inhibiting selected human tumor cell growth in
vivo. Thus, Amgel should prove useful in elucidating the underlying m
echanisms of cell-matrix interactions during the growth and progressio
n of human neoplasms.