Pl. Herrera et al., ABLATION OF ISLET ENDOCRINE-CELLS BY TARGETED EXPRESSION OF HORMONE-PROMOTER-DRIVEN TOXIGENES, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United Statesof America, 91(26), 1994, pp. 12999-13003
Ontogenic relationships between the different types of endocrine cells
in the islets of Langerhans were explored by generating transgenic mo
use embryos in which cells transcribing the glucagon, insulin, or panc
reatic polypeptide genes were destroyed through the promoter-targeted
expression of the diphtheria toxin A chain. Embryos lacking glucagon-
or insulin-containing cells did not exhibit alterations in the develop
ment of the nontargeted islet cell types, whereas embryos lacking panc
reatic polypeptide gene expressing cells also lacked pancreatic insuli
n- and somatostatin-containing cells. These results show that neither
glucagon nor insulin gene-expressing cells are essential for the diffe
rentiation of the other islet endocrine-cell types. These results also
suggest that pancreatic polypeptide gene expressing cells are indispe
nsable for the differentiation of islet beta and delta cells because t
he former produce a necessary paracrine or endocrine factor and/or ope
rate through a cell-lineage relationship.