In this paper a new method is presented for solving the inverse kinema
tics of free-floating space manipulators. The idea behind the method i
s to move the space manipulator along a path with minimum dynamic dist
urbance. The method is proposed to use the manipulator Jacobian instea
d of the generalized Jacobian of the spacecraft-manipulator system. Th
is is based on the simple fact that, if the space manipulator moves al
ong the so-called Zero Disturbance Path (ZDP), the spacecraft is immov
able. As a result, the space manipulator can in this case be treated a
s a terrestrial fixed-based manipulator. Hence, the motion mapping bet
ween the joints and the end-effector can be described directly by the
manipulator Jacobian. In the case that the ZDP does not exist, it can
be shown that the solutions obtained by the proposed method provide a
path with minimum dynamic disturbance.