Whole-cell voltage clamp techniques were used to characterize the post
natal development of current amplitude and inactivation and activation
kinetics of two potassium currents in acutely isolated CA1 cells from
rats P4 to P52: the A-current (I) and a slow-rising, slow inactivatin
g current (I-K). In the course of maturation, changes in the relative
proportion of I-A and I-K currents were observed, the latter becoming
a dominant current in older cells. The half-maximal point (V-h,) of st
eady-state inactivation and activation of I-A and I-K shifted in the c
ourse of the first and second postnatal weeks. The shifts were hyperpo
larizing in the case of I-K, whereas I-A Shifted to less negative valu
es. The shifts in steady-state inactivation V-h were accompanied by a
change in the slope factor (V-s), which is an indication of a modifica
tion in the voltage sensitivity of the steady-state inactivation. The
kinetics of I-K evolve after birth in a fashion that matches the chang
es in action potential parameters previously reported.