This study examines the mineralogy of salt crusts developed on the irr
igated paddy soils in the Soudano-Sahelian region of Niger. It involve
d field observations supplemented by laboratory determinations: powder
XRD, SEM-EDAX, IR spectral analyses. The salt crusts were found in th
e concave zones near to the dike along the Niger River. They consisted
of white mamillated konyaite crystals supported by a continuous hexah
ydrite crust. Upslope, konyaite disappeared progressively and the disc
ontinuous crust was constituted by hexahydrite only. At a few centimet
ers below the soil surface, epsomite crystallized in the cracks and vo
ids. In the subsoil, gypsum and calcite were deposited. The salt miner
als were distributed vertically and laterally in the soil horizons acc
ording to the chemical composition of shallow groundwater, in particul
ar the NaMg ion ratio, the water table depth and the extent of surface
runoff. Human activity, particularly superfluous irrigation, constitu
tes the most pertinent explanation of the salinization processes at Ko