Km. Sanders et Ng. Publicover, EXCITATION-CONTRACTION COUPLING IN GASTRIC MUSCLES, Digestive diseases and sciences, 39(12), 1994, pp. 190000069-190000072
Several mechanisms contribute to the regulation of force generated by
gastric muscles. Phasic contractions in the stomach are triggered by t
he propagation of electrical slow waves. These events are associated w
ith an influx of Ca2+ and an increase in intracellular Ca2+ sufficient
to elicit contraction. Entry of Ca2+ may be supplemented by the relea
se of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. Excitatory agonists enhance the
amplitude of slow waves, increase the amplitude of Ca2+ transients, an
d increase the force of phasic contractions. Inhibitory agonists have
opposite effects. Excitatory agonists may also enhance release of Ca2 from stores via the production of IP3. Excitatory and inhibitory agon
ists may also regulate the sensitivity of the contractile apparatus fo
r Ca2+ and therefore alter the contractile response to a given change
in intracellular Ca2+.