Background. This study was undertaken to fill gaps in our knowledge of
the rate of mood disorder in teenage girls in transition from school
to further education, employment or unemployment. Method. Girls aged 1
5-20 years (n=529) whose names were drawn from general practitioner ag
e/sex registers were interviewed at home and completed the Great Ormon
d Street Mood Questionnaire. Their mothers completed the 28-item Gener
al Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Social background variables were obtain
ed. Results. Of the girls, 20.8% scored over the cut-off point previou
sly established to indicate risk of psychiatric disorder. Scoring over
the cut-off point was not associated with age or parental social clas
s. It was associated with parental separation/divorce (P<0.004), with
maternal self-report on the GHQ (P<0.001), and with parental unemploym
ent (P<0.04). Lowest self-report scores were obtained by girls who had
left school and were in employment (P<0.01). Conclusions. About one i
n five of girls aged 15-20 are at risk of affective disorder. Self-rep
orted mood disturbance is associated with a wide range of social and f
amilial background variables, but not with age or parental socioeconom
ic status.