Bs. Lollar et al., HELIUM AND NEON ISOTOPE SYSTEMATICS IN CARBON-DIOXIDE RICH AND HYDROCARBON-RICH GAS-RESERVOIRS, Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 58(23), 1994, pp. 5279-5290
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Geosciences, Interdisciplinary
ISSN journal
Year of publication
5279 - 5290
SICI code
The isotopic compositions and elemental abundances of helium and neon were measured in three natural gas reservoirs in the Pannonian sedimen tary basin of Hungary. Kismarja (a CO2-rich reservoir), and Szeghalom- South and Szeghalom-North (both CH4-dominated reservoirs) are located on topographic basement highs close to the Derecske Sub-Basin in easte rn Hungary. Mantle-derived neon has been identified in mixed CH4-CO2 r eservoirs in the Vienna Basin, Austria. This study establishes that ma ntle-derived neon and helium are a characteristic feature of gas reser voirs throughout the Neogene extensional basins of Hungary and Austria regardless of the dominant active gas composition. He-3/He-4 ratios w ithin these samples are attributable to a two-component mixing between mantle-derived and crustal-radiogenic helium. The percent contributio n of mantle-derived He-4 varies from 2.3 to 17%. In contrast, neon iso topic ratios indicate that the gases contain a significant component o f atmosphere-derived neon in addition to the mantle- and crustal-deriv ed components. Ne-20, Ne-21, and Ne-22 abundances can be corrected for this atmospheric contribution. Calculated contributions of mantle- an d crustal-derived Ne-21 are between 3.6-21% and 1-37%, respectively. N e-20/Ne-22c and Ne-21/Ne-22c ratios derived for these atmosphere-corre cted components correlate with measured R/Ra values and plot along a s ingle two-component mixing line between crustal and mantle isotopic en dmembers. This is consistent with a model in which simple mixing occur s between crustal and mantle endmembers with fixed He/Ne ratios. The m ixing line is defined by a hyperbolic constant K (where K = (He-4/Ne-2 2)rad/(He-4/Ne-22)mntl) with a mean value of 67.3 +/- 11.8. Based on e stimated values of 0.47 for Ne-21/Ne-22rad and (1.62 +/- 0.03) x 10(7) for (He-4/Ne-21)rad (Kennedy et al., 1990), values of 7.61 x 10(6) fo r (He-4/Ne-22)rad and 11.3 x 10(4) for (He-4/Ne-22)mntl can be calcula ted for the Pannonian Basin gases. This (He-4/Ne-22)mntl value is indi stinguishable within error from the value of 8.04 x 10(4) calculated f or rare gases in natural gases from the Vienna Basin. These results cl early establish that the continental expression of mantle-derived rare gases in continental extensional systems in Austria and Hungary is di stinct and consistently different from that of gases discharging at th e spreading ridges where best estimates of (He-4/Ne-22)mntl are 8.1-11 .3 times higher (9.10 x 10(5); Staudacher et al., 1989). Given the rem arkable agreement in the continental expression of mantle-derived gase s throughout the Pannonian and Vienna Basins, it is difficult to attri bute the observed neon enrichment/helium depletion with respect to MOR B gases to fractionation related to lithospheric transport processes. Kinetic fractionation processes involved in transport through the crus t might be expected to produce a much wider variation in the observed He/Ne elemental ratios. The consistent, order-of-magnitude neon enrich ment observed throughout these gas fields instead implies that mantle- derived fluids in these continental extensional systems may be sourced in a region of the mantle distinct from that supplying the mid-ocean spreading ridges.