Currently, no protocol exists that can assess the metastatic potential
of prostate adenocarcinoma. The reason for this is partly due to the
lack of information on cellular changes that result in a tumor cell's
becoming metastatic. In this investigation, attempts were made to devi
se a method that correlated with the metastatic potential of AT-1, Mat
-Lu, and Mat-LyLu cell lines of the Dunning R-3327 rat prostatic adeno
carcinoma system. To accomplish this, we applied BioQuant biometric pa
rameters, i.e., area, shape factor, and cell motility. AT-1 had a lowe
r shape factor and a greater area as compared with the more highly met
astatic Mat-Lu subline. No significant difference in area or shape fac
tor was detected between the AT-1 cell line and the highly metastatic
Mat-LyLu line. However, the lowly metastatic AT-1 line had less motili
ty as compared with the Mat-Lu and Mat-LyLu lines. This study revealed
that metastatic potential could be partially predicted via area and s
hape factor and accurately predicted via cell motility.