This paper studies the influence of different filler loadings of a ran
ge of commercially available carbon blacks, a precipitated silica and
its hexadecyltriethoxy-silane-modified counterpart on the hysteresis p
roperties of standard SBR and NR compounds using E' and tan delta as c
riteria for the evaluation. The study of the dynamic moduls E' shows t
hat the modified Guth-Gold equation loses its validity beyond certain
levels of filler loading. This is caused by filler networking which ca
n be quantified by S(f). The parameter S(f) can be defined chromatogra
phically and is representative of the ratio between the dispersive and
specific components of filler surface energy. The investigation of ta
n delta for carbon blacks shows that tan delta is primarily dependent
on filler networking. Since the values for S(f) of all carbon blacks i
nvestigated are similar, the distance between the carbon black aggrega
tes is the main parameter determining tan delta. The comparison of car
bon blacks and silicas at constant crosslink density shows that the si
lica yields higher values for E' and lower values for tan delta. This
is related to the different surface characteristics of the two fillers