The cDNAs encoding full-length type A and B phytochromes (phyA and phy
B, respectively) from potato were expressed in inducible yeast systems
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia pastoris). In addition, a deleti
on mutant of phyB (Delta 1-74) was expressed. The apoproteins were rec
onstituted into chromoproteins by incorporation of the native chromoph
ore, phytochromobilin (P Phi B), and of phycocyanobilin (PCB). The inc
orporation Of P Phi B yielded chromoproteins with difference absorptio
ns lambda(max) at 660 and 712 nm (P-r and P-fr, respectively) for phyA
, and at 665 and 723 nm for phyB. All difference maxima of PCB phytoch
romes are blue-shifted by several nanometers with respect to those obt
ained with the P Phi B chromophore. The deletion construct with PCB sh
ows difference absorption maxima at 652 and 705 nm with the P-fr absor
bance considerably reduced. Time-resolved kinetic analysis of a phyB-t
ype phytochrome by nanosecond flash photolysis was performed for the f
irst time. Recombinant full-length phyB afforded transient absorbance
changes similar (but not identical) to those of phyA from Avena, where
as the kinetic behavior of these intermediates was very different. Con
trary to phyA from Avena, the I-700 intermediate from phyB reconstitut
ed with either PCB or P Phi B decayed following single exponential kin
etics with a lifetime of 87 or 84 mu s, respectively, at 10 degrees C.
The formation of P-fr of PCB-containing recombinant phyB (phyB-PCB) c
ould be fitted with three lifetimes of 9, 127, and 728 ms. The corresp
onding lifetimes of phyB-P Phi B are 22.5, 343, and 2083 ms. Whereas f
or phyB-PCB all three millisecond lifetimes are related to the formati
on of P-fr, the 2 s component of phyB-P Phi B is concomitant with a ra
pid recovery of P-r. For recombinant potato phyA and Delta 1-74 phyB,
no time-resolved data could be obtained due to the limited quantities
available. As described for phytochromes of other dicotelydons, the P-
fr forms of full-length phyA and phyB of potato underwent rapid dark c
onversion to P-r.