The reactivity of cellulose obtained from different sources has been t
ested by means oi xanthogenate derivatisation. Different charges of ca
rbon disulphide were used for the production of cellulose xanthogenate
. The clogging value of the viscose was taken as the measure of the re
activity of cellulose. Additionally the molecular weight distribution
of cellulose and regenerated cellulose was investigated. In order to f
ind relations to the state of solution of the viscose the distribution
of the xanthogenate groups within the cellulose chains was detected b
y means of size exclusion chromatography in connection with a multidet
ection system. The shape and the size of aggregates occurring in the v
iscose were characterized by light scattering and intrinsic viscosity
measurements. Size exclusion chromatography in connection with special
detection systems is a useful tool for the characterization of the st
ate of solution of viscose in dependence on xanthogenate charges and c
ellulose reactivity. A correlation between reactivity of the cellulose
and state of solvent or xanthogenated aggregates could be established