Isolated mitochondria of Heteromastus filiformis detoxified sulphide.
The mechanism worked best at low concentrations of up to 10 mumol l-1
sulphide. Sulphide inhibited mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase in vit
ro at nanomolar concentrations (K(i): 0.37 +/- 0.17 mumol l-1), while
catalase, another metal-containing enzyme, had a much higher inhibitio
n constant (K(i): 790 +/- 164 mumol l-1). Isolated mitochondria phosph
orylated ADP using sulphide as substrate. The process had a maximum at
10 mumol l-1 sulphide (about 8 nmol ATP mg protein-1 min-1) H. filifo
rimis has a high anaerobic capacity and may accumulate up to 10.55 +/-
1.06 mumol succinate g fresh mass-1 after 24 hours of hypoxia. We con
clude that the worms switch to anaerobiosis to survive oxygen deficien
cy or periods in which the ambient sulphide levels are too high to per
mit detoxification by the mitochondria. These results are discussed in
terms of hydrogen sulphide acting either as a toxic substance or as b
eing useful in the species' energy metabolism.