Using flow cytometry, DNA content and index, and/or proliferative capa
city (measuring proliferating cell nuclear antigen PCNA) in operated p
ituitary tumors, control pituitaries obtained at necropsy, and experim
ental pituitary hyperplasia induced in rats were analyzed. Simultaneou
s measurement of cell ploidy and proliferation differentiated normal p
ituitary (diploid DNA index and negative PCNA) from pituitary hyperpla
sia (diploid DNA index with intensely positive PCNA, between 30 and 72
% of cells). In the tumors 83% (19/ 23) were positive for PCNA (betwee
n 3 and 84%) and 73% (17/23) aneuploid; only 1 tumor was diploid and n
egative for PCNA. Conclusions: Differentiation between normal and abno
rmal (neoplastic or hyperplastic) pituitary is possible by flow cytome
try, but in the adenomas no correlation with postoperative clinical ou
tcome was observed.