BaCoS2 is orthorhombic Cmma a = 6.4413(3) angstrom, b = 6.4926(3) angs
trom, c = 8.9406(3) angstrom, and is closely related to BaNiS2, which
contains Ni-S layers separated by rock salt BaS sheets. Crystals were
grown from the melt by slow cooling from 1050 to 950-degrees-C. The su
lfur atoms in the Co-S layers have very anisotropic thermal displaceme
nt parameters, possibly indicating that these sulfurs are actually in
a double well potential centered at a high symmetry position in the sp
ace group Cmma. BaCoS2 is found to be a paramagnetic semiconductor (Mo
tt insulator). The magnetic properties indicate that BaCoS2 undergoes
a transformation at 300 K, which is likely due to the onset of antifer
romagnetic order. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.