Vitamin A (VA) is required for normal growth and development retinoic
acid may be the active metabolite through binding to nuclear receptors
. Recently a correlation between nocturnal growth hormone (GH) secreti
on and VA was found in short slowly growing children. We determined th
e 24-hour integrated concentration of GH (IC-GH), GH response to provo
cative stimuli, ICF-I, IGF-binding protein-3 (IGF-BP3) and GH-binding
protein (GH-BP) in 34 prepubertal children (25 m/9 f) 5-10 years of ag
e, height -2.5 to 1.5 SDS and body mass index -1.5 to 1.5 SDS for age
and sex. Since folic acid, vitamin B-12, IGF-I, cholesterol, triglycer
ides and VA carrier proteins were normal we assumed that no major nutr
itional deficiency existed. The correlation matrix of the variates tes
ted were p < 0.05 for VA and IC-GH and p < 0.006 for IGF-BP3. It is su
ggested that VA might have a direct effect on both ICGH and IGF-BP3.