650 couples with idiopathic subfertility (mean duration: 5.7 year, ran
ge 2-21 years) were treated during 2870 cycles by three assisted conce
ption methods (each involving mild ovarian stimulation): I timed inter
course (TI), II intrauterine insemination (IUI), III in vitro fertiliz
ation/embryo transfer (IVF/ET). Treatment started with TI in most case
s and then changed to IUI after three to six cycles. Couples who faile
d to conceive were treated after another 3-9 cycles by IVF/ET. An over
all cumulative pregnancy rate of 80.2% was reached after 18 treatment
months. The pregnancy rates per treatment cycle were: TI 5.3%, IUI 6.9
%, IVF/ET 15.8% (per oocyte retrieval).