Past weight or patterns of weight change may be more important to chro
nic disease risk than current weight. Self-reports, however, are often
the only source of information about past body weight. To date, very
few studies have examined factors affecting the validity of self-repor
ted past body weight. We examined the validity of self-reported past b
ody weights of 1,931 U.S. adults who were participants in the First Na
tional Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1971-1975) and were in
terviewed again in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surve
y I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study (1982-1984). We compared the body we
ight measured during the initial examination (1971-1975) with the reca
lled 1971-1975 body weight reported during the follow-up interview (19
82-1984). Recalled past weight was strongly correlated with previously
measured weight (r = 0.13 for men, and r = 0.74 for women). Men overe
stimated their past body weight, whereas women underestimated their pa
st weight. Although 39% of men and 41% of women estimated their past w
eight within 5 pounds, approximately 17% of women and 10% of men under
estimated their past weight more than 15 pounds. Accuracy of reporting
was influenced by sex, race, current body mass index, and the amount
of weight gained over the 10 years following the initial examination.
These factors should be considered when using recalled weight in epide
miologic studies.