1. We recorded the spatial and temporal dynamics of saccade-related bu
rst neurons( SRBNs) found in the intermediate layers of the superior c
olliculus (SC) in the alert, behaving monkey. These burst cells are no
rmally the first neurons recorded during radially directed microelectr
ode penetrations of the SC after the electrode has left the more dorsa
lly situated visual layers. They have spatially delimited movement fie
lds whose centers describe the well-studied motor map of the SC. They
have a rather sharp, saccade-locked burst of activity that peaks just
before saccade onset and then declines steeply during the saccade. Man
y of these cells, when recorded during saccade trials, also have an ea
rly, transient visual response and an irregular prelude of presaccadic
activity.2. Because saccadic eye movements normally have very stereot
yped durations and velocity trajectories that vary systematically with
saccade size, it has been difficult in the past to establish quantita
tively whether the activity of SRBNs temporally codes dynamic saccadic
control signals, e.g., dynamic motor error or eye velocity, where dyn
amic motor error is defined as a signal proportional to the instantane
ous difference between desired final eye position and the actual eye p
osition during a saccade. It has also not been unequivocally establish
ed whether SRBNs participate in an organized spatial shift of ensemble
activity in the intermediate layers of the SC during saccadic eye mov
ements. 3. To address these issues, we studied the activity of SRBNs u
sing an interrupted saccade paradigm. Saccades were interrupted with p
ulsatile electrical stimulation through a microelectrode implanted in
the omnipauser region of the brain stem while recordings were made sim
ultaneously from single SRBNs in the SC.4. Shortly after the beginning
of the stimulation (which was electronically triggered at saccade ons
et), the eyes decelerated rapidly and stopped completely. When the hig
h-frequency (typically 300-400 pulses per second) stimulation was term
inated (average duration 12 ms), the eye movement was reinitiated and
a resumed saccade was made accurately to the location of the target. 5
. When we recorded from SRBNs in the more caudal colliculus, which wer
e active for large saccades, cell discharge was powerfully and rapidly
suppressed by the stimulation (average latency = 3.8 ms). Activity in
the same cells started again just before the onset of the resumed sac
cade and continued during this saccade even though it had a much small
er amplitude than would normally be associated with significant discha
rge for caudal SC cells. The resumption of discharge in caudal SRBNs d
uring the resumed saccades suggests that the colliculus is inside a dy
namic local feedback loop from brain stem circuits controlling saccade
s (i.e., they are part of a network that sensed the braking of the sac
cade in midflight and participated in the resumed saccade). Therefore
the sharp decline in the discharge of SRBNs during saccades is not an
intrinsic property of intracollicular networks by themselves. 6. In co
ntrast, when we recorded from SRBNs with less eccentric movement field
s that are located anatomically near the middle of the SC (along its r
ostral-to-caudal axis), we found no or only minimal activity during re
sumed saccades. Intense activity was recorded in the same cells during
unstimulated saccades with similar amplitudes to the resumed saccades
. Taken together, conclusions 5 and 6 provide unequivocal evidence tha
t the population of active SRBNs does not shift on the colliculus duri
ng a saccadic eye movement. 7. We attempted to relate the magnitude of
the second burst of activity in SRBNs during the resumed saccade to p
resumed motor error relationships calculated from data gathered during
uninterrupted saccades from the same block of trials. The average ren
ewed discharge measured just before the start of the resumed saccade w
as 42% greater than that measured at similar values of motor error dur
ing uninterrupted movements. In contrast, peak saccadic eye velocity d
uring the resumed saccade was lower than the normal saccadic velocity
measured in the same animals. The eyes were undergoing maximum acceler
ation at the onset of the resumed saccade, which suggests that the hig
her discharge of SRBNs might be correlated with this dynamic signal. O
verall, the results suggest that the discharge of SRBNs does not quant
itatively code dynamic motor error, at least during the initial phase
of the resumed saccades. Nevertheless, the averaged SRBN activity did
return very rapidly (in similar to 10 ms) to the relationship between
discharge and motor error established during the single, large uninter
rupted saccades.