Reductions of frequency of administration and dosage of antibiotic age
nts used in colorectal surgery may lower cost and the occurrence of ad
verse side effects. In a prospective randomized trial we evaluated two
single-shot regimens, a low dose of 1 g cefotiam against a standard d
ose of 2 g cefotiam, both in combination with 500 mg metronidazole. Th
e low-dose group had twice the number of patients with wound sepsis (4
of 30) than the group receiving the standard antibiotic regimen (2 of
30). Two hours after infusion, the antibiotic concentrations in sampl
es of serum, subcutaneous fatty tissue, and colonic wall of those pati
ents receiving 1 g cefotiam were <1 mg/l. The concentrations after adm
inistration of 2 g cefotiam were higher, as expected, and without any
adverse side effects. In conclusion, we prefer infection prophylaxis b
y the standard dose of 2 g cefotiam plus 500 mg metronidazole in color
ectal surgery.