Greenhouse experiments showed that yellow nutsedge shoot number and sh
oot and root dry weights were reduced by root-knot nematodes and chile
peppers. Root-knot nematodes increased and chile peppers decreased th
e number of yellow nutsedge tubers. Yellow nutsedge tuber germination
was reduced by chile peppers but not by root-knot nematodes. Yellow nu
tsedge established from root-knot nematode-infected tubers produced mo
re tubers than noninfected tubers. Root-knot nematode populations beca
me established on yellow nutsedge root systems when plants were establ
ished from tubers previously cultured with root-knot nematodes. Metola
chlor stunted chile peppers, eliminated yellow nutsedge, and influence
d root-knot nematode populations through reduction of host plant root
mass. However, when root-knot nematodes were present, yellow nutsedge
tuber germination was not affected by metolachlor. This research indic
ates that the pests do not exist independently and that their manageme
nt may be interrelated.