The tectonic units of Romania contain both Alpine orogenic regions and
platforms. The investigations of crustal structure by near-vertical r
eflection seismic profiling are based on less than 100 lines Unequally
distributed and of limited lengths (5-30 km). The seismic features st
udied are: the crustal seismic reflectivity and transparency; dipping
events and diffractions; and the Moho and subcrustal reflectivity. The
major common features are: a reflective sedimentary cover of mostly N
eogene layers; a weak signal from the sedimentary-basement boundary; a
quasi-transparent upper crust; a mid-crust with short and subhorizont
al events; a transparent or layered lower crust; and a Moho that is ei
ther poorly visible or evidenced by a zone with reflection bands and s
ome subcrustal reflections. The Moesian platform, together with the ad
jacent Carpathian foredeep, show a mid-crust with short and subhorizon
tal events, a crust-mantle transition zone in the west, an unclear or
prominent Moho and some subcrustal reflectivity. The northern part of
the Carpathian foredeep shows strong seismic layering of the lower cru
st. The central part of the Transylvanian depression is characterized
by short and subhorizontal events at mid-crustal level, a slightly ref
lective lower crust with diffractions and a weak Moho signal. The sout
hern sector of the Pannonian depression is generally marked by a refle
ctive lower crust. The tectonic significance of these seismic signatur
es is interpreted as follows: a brittle upper crust; a decoupling mid-
crustal zone; a lower crust with brittle to ductile behaviour; a possi
ble extensional or isostatic rebalanced Moho and laminated zones with
reduced viscosities at the lower crust and upper mantle levels. A seri
es of crustal models based on the reflection seismic sections are pres
ented for several areas of Romania.