1 alpha,25(OH)(2)vitamin-D-3, [1 alpha,25(OH)(2)D-3] is a potent stero
id hormone that produces a wide array of biologic effects in a variety
of target tissues within the body through ifs ability to modulate gen
e transcription of specific target genes. Evidence for transcription r
egulation of a specific gene typically includes 1 alpha,25(OH)(2)D-3-i
nduced modulation in mRNA levels. Additionally, evidence may include m
easurements of transcription and/or the presence of a vitamin D respon
se element within the promoter region of the gene. To date, over 50 ge
nes have been reported to be transcriptionally regulated by 1 alpha,25
(OH)(2)D-3. We present a current list of these genes and the evidence
supporting their inclusion on the list.