The unifying concept underlying all heterostructure physics is the ide
a that energy gap variations act as quasi-electric forces on the elect
rons and holes in the structure, even in the absence of a true electri
c field. They give the device designer a new degree of freedom in desi
gning structures exhibiting phenomena fundamentally unobtainable in ho
mostructures. A useful classification of heterostructures is by lineup
type, distinguishing straddling, staggered and broken-gap lineups. Ex
amples of each type are discussed. The possible combinations of two or
more semiconductors into a heterostructure are constrained by bonding
considerations, both with regard to bond length compatibility (lattic
e matching) and valence compatibility. In quantized structures, strain
may be a deliberate design element. The industrial impact of heterost
ructure devices is likely to be dominated by the large economic system
leverage they tend to provide, more than by manufacturing volumes app
roaching those of mainstream silicon technology - with the possible ex
ception of LEDs.