Evaluating the role of fishes at the food web and ecosystem scales pro
fits from an iterative process. At the community and population scales
, prey selection by predators alters habitat selection behaviours of p
rey species as well as their abundance, size distributions, life histo
ries and the consequent effects on their own prey. At the whole system
scale, predation by fishes alters community structure and nutrient cy
cling. Thus, both direct and indirect predation effects are expressed
in population structure, community composition and production processe
s at all trophic levels. These are the central tenets of the trophic c
ascade argument. Examples are abundant and diverse. We know that preda
tors are size selective, that resource partitioning occurs, that funct
ional responses link the density dependence of predator and prey popul
ations, and that predator avoidance behaviours are common. A more sign
ificant challenge exists when attempting to use this knowledge. This p
resentation attempts to link theory and empiricism in forecasts of wha
t will happen next in response to a management action or a planned exp
eriment. Examples are drawn from whole system experiments conducted in
small lakes and from large-scale manipulations of predator population
s in North America's Laurentian Great Lakes. Rapid and discontinuous o
r non-linear responses are common. Extrapolating the lessons of mechan
istic process studies proves insufficient because the context is dynam
ic. Inferences built from the whole ecosystem scale yield equally misl
eading results because the scale is too general. Resolving these probl
ems will require a clever mix of selective applications of predator-pr
ey theory and astute empiricism.