The concept of agile manufacturing is driven by the need to quickly re
spond to the changing customer requirements. Agile manufacturing deman
ds a manufacturing system to be able to produce efficiently a large va
riety of products and be reconfigurable to accommodate changes in the
product mix and product designs. The manufacturing system reconfigurab
ility and product variety are critical in agile manufacturing. The con
cept of agility has an impact on design of assemblies. To implement ag
ile manufacturing, methodologies of design for agile manufacturing are
needed. Design for agile assembly is accomplished by considering oper
ational issues of assembly systems at the early product design stage.
In this paper, three rules applicable to the design of products for ag
ile assembly from an operational perspective are proposed. These rules
are intended to support the design of products to meet the requiremen
ts of agile manufacturing. Illustrative examples are provided to demon
strate the potential of the design rules. Procedures and algorithms fo
r implementing these rules are presented.