Background: Alloantibodies to the low-frequency antigen Scianna 2 (Sc2
) are uncommon and not previously reported to cause immune hemolysis.
Case Report: A group B, Rh-negative infant born to a group B, Rh-posit
ive mother had a 2+ direct antiglobulin test, as well as modest hyperb
ilirubinemia and a hematocrit of 45 percent. Ongoing immune hemolysis
led to a hematocrit of 17.3 percent on Day 20 of life, and the infant
required hospitalization and red cell transfusions. The routine matern
al antibody screen was negative, but anti-Sc2 was detected during work
-up for a low-frequency red cell antigen, and the father's red cells t
yped as Sc:1,2. Conclusion: Anti-Sc2 can cause clinically significant
hemolytic disease of the newborn. Although the antibody is uncommon, i
ts frequency and hemolytic potential may be underappreciated, in part
because investigations often are not carried out in the infant whose r
ed cells are ABO-incompatible with maternal blood.