This cross-sectional analysis of the 1991 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surv
ey explored factors associated with an early age at first sexual inter
course. Almost 18% of White males, 49% of Black males, 5% of White fem
ales and 12% of Black females were sexually active before age 13. Carr
ying a weapon to school, fighting, and early (< age 13) experimentatio
n with cigarettes and alcohol were associated with early initiation of
sexual activity for all four race and gender groupings. Those initiat
ing sexual activity early had greater numbers of partners but were 50%
less likely to use condoms regularly and were two-seven times more li
kely to have been pregnant or caused a pregnancy. Females who initiate
d sexual activity early were more likely to have had a sexually transm
itted disease (STD). Interventions to postpone sexual activity need to
be tailored to the ethnic and gender differences observed in these an
alyses. Interventions must begin before age 13 and should be comprehen
sive school-based efforts.