Copper-coordinated copolymers were prepared by bulk copolymerization o
f methyl methacrylate with copper acrylate. A spectral-structural corr
elation was investigated for the polymers. Spectral changes on the cop
per content is increased from 2 to 10.7 wt% revealing a tetrahedrally
distorted environment around the copper centre. Calculation of the spl
itting parameters, DELTA0, rho and delta, indicates a varying degree o
f distortion from octahedral geometry. For higher copper contents, cha
nges in the values of 10 Dq and the splitting parameters suggest an in
creasing degree of covalency with increasing association of the carbon
yl group in the cross-linked chains of the copolymer. The radial disto
rtion parameters D(s) and D(t) have been determined. Variations in D(t
) values indicate changes in the field strength of the CO and COO- lig
ands dependent upon the copper content.