Throughout much of their history the Chinese have made a clear distinc
tion between the role in society to be fulfilled by those with formal
education and those without. During this century this distinction has
become blurred, particularly during the Mao years. Since the Revolutio
n, a heavy emphasis has been placed on the importance of labour; its i
ntroduction into the schools as part of the curriculum was an attempt
to bring an end to the privileged role held by the educated in Chinese
society. The inclusion of labour into the school curriculum was based
on an ideological position held by the Communists, and that ideology
ran contrary to traditional Chinese educational thought and practice.
During the past 40 years the work-study programmes in Chinese schools
have evolved into a variety of school enterprises which now serve not
only an ideological purpose but also the vocational needs of the stude
nts, while at the same time providing much needed financing for Chines
e schools. This paper explores this historical development and looks a
t several examples of how it has effected school curricula in Guangdon
g Province.