Plasma generated by cathode spots in vacuum arcs expands towards the a
node and the walls. In spite of a high degree of ionization (mostly),
this plasma contains also a small but noticeable constituent of neutra
l atoms. Starting from the known analytical solution of a hydrodynamic
model describing the plasma ions and electrons, the corresponding mot
ion of neutrals is treated in a similar way. The results show: 1) The
neutrals take part in the general plasma expansion; however, their fin
al kinetic energy is lower (by about 50%) than the final energy of the
ions. 2) The temperature of the neutrals also is lower than the ion t
emperature and decreases during expansion. 3) The acceleration of neut
rals is caused partly by the pressure gradient, partly by interaction
with the ions (friction); the forces diminish rapidly with increasing
distance. Finally, the limitations of this approximate solution are di