Molecular structures of amyloses and amylopectins from three varieties
of Japanese wheat, Chihoku, Horoshiri, and Norin-61, and two wheat cl
asses, Australian standard white (ASW) and Western white (WW), were ch
aracterized. WW amylose was the largest (number-average degree of poly
merization ($$$) over bar dp(n), 1570) and Chihoku amylose was the sma
llest (dp(n) 830). ASW and Chihoku amyloses had higher amounts of bran
ched molecules (similar to 42% by mole) with lower average numbers of
chains (($$$) over bar nc similar to 13), than those of others (simila
r to 28% by mole, ($$$) over bar nc similar to 19). The structural fea
tures of amylopectins by iodine affinity and chain-length distribution
were also characterized by varieties and classes. The amylose content
s of the starches were in the range of for ASW and WW, resp
ectively. A lower amylose content and a higher amount of the branched
amylose molecule with a lower ($$$) over bar nc may produce better qua
lity Japanese-type noodle.