The shear strength of deforming till beneath Storglaciaren, Sweden, wa
s continuously measured with a new instrument, a ''dragometer''. A cyl
inder with conical ends, roughened with till from the glacier bed, was
dragged through the till, and the force on the cylinder was recorded.
Consistent with studies of cone penetration in soils, it was assumed
that the till behaves as a Coulomb plastic material. This allows the r
esidual strength of the till to be calculated from the measured force.
Results from laboratory experiments confirm the validity of the analy
tical procedure. The average residual strength of the till was similar
to 55 kPa. A source of error is the potential generation of pore pres
sure in excess of hydrostatic ahead of the cylinder, which could signi
ficantly weaken the till. Calculations indicate that excess pore press
ure did not develop during the experiment, but could develop during si
milar experiments beneath rapidly sliding glaciers with less permeable
basal till layers.