Sensitivity and applicability of commonly used indirect photometric de
tection in the UV region can be adversely affected by the absorption o
f the UV light by detected solutes and/or by matrix constituents migra
ting with them. If the visible light is exploited instead of the UV li
ght, both these disadvantages may be for the most part eliminated, and
, moreover, the indirect photometric detection will extend its versati
lity and sensitivity. Prospects as well as main problems of the approa
ch were tested using inorganic ions as analytes. If organic dyes with
a molar light absorption coefficient of the order of 10(6) mol(-1) L m
(-1) was selected as the light-absorbing constituents of the backgroun
d electrolyte, detection sensitivity comparable with the best reported
results was reached for anions; for cations, the detection limit was
even lower by two orders of magnitude.