Objective. The American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) recommendation fo
r side or supine sleep position in healthy babies has generated much c
ontroversy. We surveyed primary care physicians to determine the effec
t of the AAP statement on physician attitude toward infant sleep posit
ion and advice to parents. Methods. We sent a 23-question survey to 19
4 physicians in Western New York. The survey addressed their attitude
toward the AAP recommendations and its impact on their advice to paren
ts. Results. Of the 149 physicians treating newborns, 121 (82%) comple
ted the questionnaire; 98% were aware of the AAP statement. The most c
ommon sources of information were the AAP (86%) and professional liter
ature (77%). Of the respondents, 79% agreed with the AAP statement. Re
asons for reservation were lack of data (64%), potential adverse conse
quences of supine position (52%), and their own experience (47%). Gend
er, years in practice, and type of reimbursement did not influence att
itude toward the AAP recommendation. The AAP statement increased the f
requency with which physicians routinely discussed sleep position from
34 to 70% (P < .02). Physicians recommending the prone position decre
ased from 57 to 7% (P < .001), while those recommending supine sleep p
osition increased from 10 to 42% (P < .001). Conclusions. Most physici
ans agreed with the AAP statement and more frequently discussed sleep
position following the AAP recommendations. However, they did not rout
inely recommend supine sleep position. The majority (69%) recommended
the side position even though it is unstable. Although the AAP stateme
nt has increased discussion of infant sleep position by primary care p
hysicians in WNY, only a minority recommend that infants sleep supine.