Aluminum catalyzes the oxidation of NADH by vanadate both in the prese
nce and absence of a reducing sugar, The effect of aluminum is concent
ration dependent and inhibitable with superoxide dismutase but not cat
alase. The fructose-6-phosphate-free reaction is characterized by an i
nitial lag phase which can be eliminated by preincubating aluminum wit
h NADH, but is not altered by preincubating aluminum with vanadate, su
ggesting that the effect. of aluminum is not directly on vanadate. Alu
minum also catalyzes vanadyl-mediated oxidation of NADH, and this effe
ct is similarly inhibitable by superoxide dismutase as well as catalas
e. It is suggested that aluminum catalyzes the oxidation of NADH by va
nadium though enhancing the production of superoxide radicals and that
this effect may account in part of the biological toxicity associated
with aluminum, particularly when associated with the accumulation of
other trace elements such as vanadium..